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108 Results
Tom Fuller
Tom's career started way back in the late 80's when fluorescent colours ruled and mullets were in fashion. Fast forwards a few decades and in 2007, Tom officially launched Image Design Custom alongside Steve and hasn't looked back since.
Read more06.08.2020
Elliot Withers
Elliot joined IDC early in 2020 and is the newest member of the team. Not quite as talented as our super skilled painters, but talented in brand marketing none the less! He worked at Muc-Off for a fair few years, spearheading global campaigns, managi...
Read more06.08.2020
Jack Haynes
At the start of this decade Jack was roughly 2 years into his apprenticeship of car painting. He'd only worked at one body shop so tried a few others until he realised painting cars was definitely not for him, as he couldn't seem to keep motivated do...
Read more06.08.2020
Pat Rivera
Pat started early with his career and worked at a body shop whilst he was still at school and continued after he finished, trying his hand a every aspect of work the body shop had to offer. He moved to another body shop as a fitter, but always felt t...
Read more06.08.2020
Sammy Morgan
Having grown up spending most of his weekends at race circuits across the UK, whether it be for 2 or 4 wheeled racing, motorsport has always been a huge passion for Sammy. Pair that with the influence of his hugely artistic family and being raised by...
Read more06.08.2020
Steve Roke
Steve has been a painter ever since he left school and his forte used to be car body repairs. That was Steve's career up until around 2003 when he got made redundant. He worked doing fire alarms for a couple of years to pay the bills and then saw a j...
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